Asset Publisher
Han Sung CEO underscores ‘customer relationships’ in marketing
Korea Herald / 2015.11
Marketing -- often understood simply as the act of selling and advertising a product -- is all about managing customer relationships and satisfying customer needs, according to Dr. Ulf Ausprung, CEO of Han Sung Motor, the largest Mercedes-Benz dealer in South Korea.
Han Sung Motor’s public art program changes Guro scenery
Korea Herald / 2015.9
On the evening of Sept. 9, the usually crowded plaza in front of Guro Digital Complex Station became a festival venue. The cradle of Korea’s modern textile industry had become a run-down neighborhood after the country was reformed into a heavy industry-oriented, and then again to a technology-focused, economy, but on this day, the virtue of textiles and labor was celebrated highly.
Han Sung Motor refurbishes old Guro station
Korea Times / 2015.9
Major Mercedes-Benz dealer Han Sung Motor carried out a second city project on Thursday night, helping to refurbish Guro Station. In the annual volunteer event _ which the company holds as part of its corporate social responsibility program _ young "Dream Gream" students joined local artists and citizens to turn the old subway exit into a place of art.
Mercedes dealer sets new trend in customer marketing
Korea Herald / 2015.7
Han Sung Motor, Mercedes-Benz’s largest dealer in Korea, took an initiative in customer marketing for high-end cars buyers, by hosting its first motor show at the “Sevit’’ floating island on the Hangang River on July 17-18.
Han Sung Motor prioritizes marketable designs
Korea Herald / 2015.5
Behind every successful global firm is the fusion of excellent design and well-fitting marketing strategies, according to the CEO of Han Sung Motor ― the largest Mercedes-Benz dealer in South Korea.